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Wisdom that
b r e a t h e s

Welcome to the official website of His Holiness S.B. Keshava Swami,
a teacher, author and traveler - inspired to share wisdom that breathes.

Keshava Swami sitting under a tree and smiling

Svayam Bhagavan Keshava Swami

S.B. Keshava Swami is a spiritual author, community mentor, dynamic teacher and worldwide traveler.

Sharing Wisdom that Breathes

Proliferating spiritual wisdom in a world that is suffocating from materialism.

Keshava Swami delivering an online session for Think Gita
Keshava Swami with Think Gita colleagues and volunteers

65+ countries


5000+ students


100+ hours of course content


Retreats, university and corporate


65+ countries 〰️ 5000+ students 〰️ 100+ hours of course content 〰️ Retreats, university and corporate 〰️

Co-founded by Keshava Swami, Think Gita shares a universal spirituality that you don’t learn in school - it’s profound but practical, rooted in tradition but strikingly relevant. This dynamic community is the go-to place for learning the Bhagavad-gita in a powerful, exciting and life-changing way.

Keshava Swami pioneered the School of Bhakti, a unique educational hub and vibrant community as well. The School was founded at Bhaktivedanta Manor, the historic spiritual sanctuary donated by George Harrison to the community, and now functions in multiple locations around the UK and abroad.



Keshava Swami at the University of Cambridge


Keshava Swami speaking at a corporate event at EY
Keshava Swami interacting with attendees at a corporate event at EY


Keshava Swami addressing students in East Africa
Keshava Swami with community members from ISKCON London - Radha Krishna Temple
Keshava Swami addressing students in Vrindavan, India

Faith Leader and Spiritual Advisor

In 2022, His Holiness S.B. Keshava Swami was awarded sannyasa, the highest order of monastic life.

With this, he accepted vows of lifetime renunciation.

A Globetrotter

Bringing wisdom to the places which need it most.

Keshava Swami at an airport
A world map with pointers indicating places visited by Keshava Swami

Author of 10+ books

In a world that’s suffocating from materialism, we desperately need wisdom that breathes.
We invite you to explore the writings of Keshava Swami, who shares the authentic principles of Vedic philosophy in a concise, logical and relevant way.

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